28 lut 2009

Linki godne uwagi #5

Why Lenses Are the Real Key to Stunning Photos


Archive More Efficient RSS Reading

I love information and wish I could spend more time reading and consuming it, to learn more about a variety of topics. However, the harsh reality is that there are only so many hours in the day that I can spend reading and learning. I could take the easy way out and just read less, but my goal is to become more efficient at finding the content that I want to read the most.

Cheat Sheets - Added Bytes

Polecam tą strone każdemu. Artykuły i sciągi nie tylko z programowania, ale i wyborne porady na temat htaccess,

WEB HOSTING TOOLBOX: 130+ Resources for Your Web Hosting Needs

Tytuł mówi sam za siebie. Od darmowych, przez płatne aż po własne.

11 Free And Useful Open-Source Alternatives For Designers - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers

Mocno zaintrygował mnie program Jahshaka, czyli odpowiednik After Effects


I'll wait for Windows 7 before buying a new computer

Warto przeczytać, niezłe spostrzeżenia

Why More Megapixels Isn't Always More Better

Prościej nie można opisać tego problemu, polecam każdemu poczatkującemu fotoamatorowi.


HOW TO GUIDE: 60+ Great How To Sites and Resources

how-to Ever had one of those moments when you really wished you knew how to do something specific? If only there were someone you could ask…

Thanks to the social web, particularly niche blogs and expert-driven communities, it’s easy to find knowledge, insights and guidance direct from the pros, no matter what the topic area. In fact, online tutorials and how-to sites have been around almost as long as the web itself.

100 Free and Useful Open Courseware Classes for Web Workers

Today’s web workers need to have a well-rounded set of skills and knowledge to succeed. Expected to know their way around a computer, understand the invisible nature of Internet audiences, have the skill to communicate with words and graphic images, and be able to maintain their own business, its understandable that web workers may be seeking ways to continually improve their knowledge base. These free open courseware classes can help any web worker get a step up on the task with courses including web design skills, media arts, photography and video, writing and communication, technology, and even classes to help freelancers get ahead with marketing and entrepreneurial topics.

.htaccess file generator


10 Easy Steps To Advanced Photography Skills

A camera does not work like an eye; film does not work like memory. There is a fine line between a photo that is quite nice and one that is quite breathtaking. At some unknown point, a photo can cross the Rubicon and be forever a piece of beautiful art. That hinterland between a regular photo and evocative art is a shifting area from person to person and taste to taste. However, that zone can be narrowed a bit once you start to consider the way the brain stores memories and emotions. And yes, it gets a bit touchy-feely here trying to determine if your work has crossed that line. With rigorous practice and peer feedback, you can start to appreciate where that zone is and, consequently, improve your hit ratio.


HOW TO: Make Firefox Your Productivity Machine

Look, we all have different ways of using the web - it’s the way it should be. But make sure to do yourself a favor and look for Firefox extensions for the sites you’re already using. There are ways to make every site you visit more productive if you just take the time to do it.


Kolekcja 167 (jak na razie) narzedzi, pluginow i oprogramowania zwiazanych z serwisem Flickr.

The Missing Google Analytics Manual

Get the most out of your Google Analytics with this collection of links to implement, configure and get insights from Google Analytics. * Last updated 2/27/09.


Top 15 Reasons You Aren’t Making Money With Google Adsense

Blogging can work very well with Adsense if you do proper testing, have the right focus, and use it on the right pages. In my opinion most bloggers are probably getting smart priced. Some can still make money and some can’t. The ones that do make money could make a lot more if they got their account under control.

A guide to the 100 best blogs - The Times

The online world of the bloggers and how you can connect, communicate, publish your thoughts or diaries and 'spy' on the famous

Canonical URL Tag - The Most Important Advancement in SEO Practices Since Sitemaps

Rewelacyjne opracowanie.


HowtoForge provides user-friendly Linux tutorials about almost every topic.

To ci dopiero kopalnia wiedzy


Interesting html FORM Validators for web developers

Dobre formularze to chyba powszechny ból głowy


17 Best Javascript Image Galleries


How to find how-tos on the Web

Omówione serwisy:

  • 5min.com
  • eHow
  • Expert Village
  • Howcast
  • Instructables

Linux 101 Hacks - Download Free eBook

Trzeba zdobyć hasło, nic za darmo

  • Chapter 1: Powerful CD Command Hacks
  • Chapter 2: Date Manipulation
  • Chapter 3: SSH Client Commands
  • Chapter 4: Essential Linux Commands
  • Chapter 5: PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 and PROMPT_COMMAND
  • Chapter 6: Colorful and Functional Shell Prompt Using PS1
  • Chapter 7: Archive and Compression
  • Chapter 8: Command Line History
  • Chapter 9: System Administration Tasks
  • Chapter 10: Apachectl and Httpd Examples
  • Chapter 11: Bash Scripting
  • Chapter 12: System Monitoring and Performance

Windows 7: The Complete Guide


Photography 101.5 - Aperture

Zgrabnie wytłumaczone tajniki przysłony (fotografia)


Build the Perfect PC! Step-by-Step Illustrated How-To Guide


20 WordPress Tricks to Improve Your Blog

One of the reasons WordPress is so popular is because of its flexibility. Designers, developers, and bloggers have plenty of options. In this post we’ll look at a combination of tutorials for improving a WordPress-based site, and plugins that can provide added functionality that will bring new possibilities.


9 Browser Add-ons & Tools That Make Printing Web Pages Easier

Most browsers enable the user to print web pages by simply pressing the print button. Unfortunately if the page to be printed is not a ‘print version’ then often the advertisements and graphics are also printed, which means you consume more ink. On top of that most web pages aren’t aligned for printing, resulting in large chunks of white spaces to be printed and sometimes text on the right hand side of the page is chopped off.

Share big files online with these services - przegląd wśród najlepszych

Nie miałem pojęcia, że Box.net oferuje zgrabny widget na stronę.

100 Powerful Web Tools to Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas - rewelacyjny spis

Whether you are a busy executive, a single parent, a freelancer working from home, a student, or a combination of these, you have probably found yourself needing help when it comes to organizing all your thoughts and ideas that occur throughout your busy day. Now you can turn to these tools found on the Internet that will help you with tasks such as note-taking, bookmarking websites, highlighting important text during online research, creating mind maps, tracking time, keeping up with appointments, collaborating with others, managing projects, and much more.

I miej u kota

Wybór czytelników bloga noupe - Mac: 30 narzędzi dla webmastera

We will showcase your suggestions: 30 incredibly useful Mac Apps for freelance web designers & developers to get their website or application styled in a fraction of the time it took before and help them manage their project efficiently to get their job done.

A to ci: Ramp Up - Free online training materials from Microsoft

rampupRamp Up is a free, online, community-based learning program that will help you build professional development skills. Join Ramp Up (it's free!) and help advance your career - click on a track now to start!

15 Excellent Logo Design Tutorials Using Illustrator

Czyli krok po kroku jak stworzyć logo. Co prawda, jest to tylko techniczna strona tego zagadnienia.

Zemanta wspomaga także email

Wygląda obiecująco

Pod adresem http://www.zemanta.com/demo/ można przetestować możliwości Zemanty. Wypróbowałem język polski ;)


How-To Minimize Load Time for Fast User Experiences

Pouczający artykuł zarówno dla webmastera jak i bloggera.


Make Ubiquity Your Ultimate Firefox Commander

Ten post mocno mnie zainspirował.


Pimp my browser: how to turn Firefox into a blogging machine

Chyba warto wypróbować ScribeFire. Zemanta czasem śmiesznie współpracuje z językiem polskim. Zobaczymy.


Locate your friends in real time with Google Latitude - czy ktoś z tego korzysta?

Don’t feel like being tracked? Just hide yourself from select “friends,” or manually enter a false location as your current one. You can control how much privacy you want on a very granular, contact-by-contact level.

Dell Starts Offering Exclusive Discounts Through Twitter - czyli to co na Blipie chyba nigdy się nie zdarzy

Beginning today, Dell will offer deals from the Dell Outlet exclusive to Twitter in the U.S. With over 11,000 followers, our team wanted to show their thanks to the Twitter world through these new deals which will continue each week.


World Map showing the popularity of social networks (SNS) around the world



Przyznaj się, do czego służy Ci komórka?


HOW TO: Take Your Data Back From Google’s Claws

Skoro i Google jest narażone na wpadki i pomyłki, czas pomyśleć o zabezpieczeniu danych. Aż strach pomyśleć od ilu usług wielkiego G jesteśmy uzależnieni. Omówione serwisy:

  • Google Docs
  • Gmail
  • Google Reader
  • Google Calendar
  • iGoogle
  • Blogger
  • Picasa
  • YouTube

Top 10 Obscure Google Search Tricks - skoro Googla używać nie umisz

When it comes to the Google search box, you already know the tricks: finding exact phrases matches using quotes like "so say we all" or searching a single site using site:lifehacker.com gmail. But there are many more oblique, clever, and lesser-known search recipes and operators that work from that unassuming little input box. Dozens of Google search guides detail the tips you already know, but today we're skipping the obvious and highlighting our favorite obscure Google web search tricks.

How To Develop A Firefox Extension - może ktoś mądrego coś wymyśli :)

We will create a Firefox extension to find all links in the current web page, highlight those which have a target attribute and alert you how many links it found. The good part is that once you have done this, you have both an understanding of Firefox extension development as well as a blueprint for any extension you would want to develop in the future.

PHP Frameworks - Top Most List - skoro już o frameworkach mowa…

PHP is a scripting language originally designed for producing dynamic web pages, PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating web pages as output.

Go2Web20.net - The complete Web 2.0 sites directory

Pozachwycaj się Web 2.0


15 Reasons To Stay The Heck Away From Linux - dałem się nabrać?

Linux folks have their own reasons why people should use Linux. I get sick of it sometimes. I’ve tinkered with many Linux distros, and no, not as a novice user. Combined, I’ve probably spent a couple years of nonstop time on Linux. I solved many problems like setting up services and writing apps. And so far I’ve reached my own conclusions.

5 Popular CSS Frameworks + Tutorials & Tools for Getting Started

Cokolwiek masz do czynienia z webmasterką - ten artykuł warto przynajmniej prześledzić.
Main features of good CSS Framework is to 1) rapidly speed up our development time, 2) should have a very small size, 3) have good documentation and tutorials and 4) have clean grid structure. You will need a basic understanding of the CSS framework you are going to use to understand why and how things get solved.

More Web Design Trends For 2009 - ostatnie zachwyty Web 2.0?

This post is the second part of our review. It presents design trends for 2009 in terms of layouts, visual approaches and design elements. Please notice that this post showcases trends and developments that were extensively covered in our previous articles (e.g. handwriting, retro and vintage etc.) and therefore weren’t covered in this post (they are all linked in the overview, so feel free to explore these single posts as well). Did you miss any recent development in this overview? Let us know in the comments!

So Bad It Hurts: Classic Hits By Microsoft Songsmith - a miało być tak wspaniale: zanuć a my Ci zagramy


8 Tools to Track Your Footprints on the Web - ciekawe jakie narzędzia działałyby i u nas

footprints Although search engines provide a great starting point when you're searching for someone online, with all of the new social sites that have popped up over the past few years, they're often just not enough.

In our recent State of Blog Search 2009 post we discussed the various reasons you may choose to use any or all of the following blog search tools: Technorati, Google Blog Search, Ice Rocket, Ask.com Blogsearch, and FriendFeed. While these blog search engines are great to fill specific needs, they're also another great place to look for your footprints on the Web.

TrackMeNot - bardzo szlachetna idea

TMN_logo TrackMeNot is a lightweight browser extension that helps protect web searchers from surveillance and data-profiling by search engines. It does so not by means of concealment or encryption (i.e. covering one's tracks), but instead, paradoxically, by the opposite strategy: noise and obfuscation. With TrackMeNot, actual web searches, lost in a cloud of false leads, are essentially hidden in plain view. User-installed TrackMeNot works with the Firefox Browser and popular search engines (AOL, Yahoo!, Google, and MSN) and requires no 3rd-party servers or services.


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